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LinkedIn Unity Skill Assessment

LinkedIn  Unity Exam Type: LinkedIn Test Answers
Expected positions: Top 5%, Top 15%, Top 30%
Last Updated: October 2024

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LinkedIn Unity Exam Answers 2024

Linkedin Unity test answers

The Animator.StringToHash function is typically used in conjunction with which other function?

  • CompareTag
  • GameObject.Find
  • Animator.Stop
  • Animator.SetInteger

Linkedin Unity assessment answers

Which C# code fragment continuously updates an object's yaw (Y rotation)?

  • transform.SetParent(null);
  • transform.RotateAround(Vector3.up, RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
  • transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
  • transform.localRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0f, RotSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0f);

Linkedin Unity assessment

Unity scenes may be saved entirely in the YAML format. Why might you do this?

  • to externally parse a scene and its objects
  • to optimize scene loading and unloading
  • to reduce scene file size
  • to improve platform compatibility

Unity Linkedin Quiz

Which statement best describes light probes?

  • Light probes query mesh renderers for the total area of shadows across surfaces.
  • Light probes expand the capacity of the Final Gather process to boost the intensity of indirect illumination.
  • Light probes capture information about light traveling through empty space in a scene.
  • Light probes are helper objects for improving the texture quality of light maps.

Unity Linkedin test answers

What does the Unity variable Time.deltaTime represent?

  • the elapsed time in milliseconds between the current and preceding fixed update
  • the elapsed time in seconds between any two events
  • the elapsed time in seconds between the current and preceding frame
  • the elapsed time in seconds between the current and preceding fixed update

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