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LinkedIn Python (Programming Language) Skill Assessment

LinkedIn  Python (Programming Language) Exam Type: LinkedIn Test Answers
Expected positions: Top 5%, Top 15%, Top 30%
Last Updated: July 2024

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LinkedIn Python (Programming Language) Exam Answers 2024

  Linkedin learning Python exercise

What is the term used to describe this code?

count, fruit, price = (2, 'apple', 3.5)

  • tuple matching
  • tuple assignment
  • tuple unpacking
  • tuple duplication

Best Python course on Linkedin learning

What built-in list method would you use to remove items from a list?





  • pop(my_list)
  • .delete() method
  • .pop() method
  • del(my_list)

Python essential training Linkedin

What is one of the most common uses of Python's sys library?

  • to scan the health of your Python ecosystem while inside a virtual environment
  • to take a snapshot of all the packages and libraries in your virtual environment
  • to capture command-line arguments given at a file's runtime
  • to connect various systems, such as connecting a web front end, an API service, a database, and a mobile app

Linkedin Python interview questions

What is the runtime complexity of accessing a value in a dictionary by using its key?

  • “O(n)”,  also called linear time.
  • “O(log n)”, also called logarithmic time
  • “O(n`2)”, also called quadratic time
  • “O(1)”, also called constant time

Linkedin Python assessment practice

What is the correct syntax for defining a class called Game?

  • Class Game:
  •   Pass
  • Def Game():
  •   Pass
  • Def Game:
  •      Pass
  • Class Game():
  •    Pass

Python (Programming Language) assessment Linkedin answers

Linkedin Python skills assessment

Linkedin Python assessment Quizlet

Linkedin Python assessment answers

Python programming language linkedin Quiz

Linkedin Python assessment

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