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LinkedIn Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Skill Assessment

LinkedIn  Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Exam Type: LinkedIn Test Answers
Expected positions: Top 5%, Top 15%, Top 30%
Last Updated: July 2024

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LinkedIn Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Exam Answers 2024

  VBA Linkedin learning

How does the Close statement differ from the Quit statement?

  • Quit closes a file; Close closes the application.
  • Close closes the connection to an external data source; Quit closes the external data source.
  • Close closes a file; Quit closes the application.
  • Quit closes the link to another Office application; Close closes the other application itself.

Linkedin VBA Quiz

How do you add a user form to a VBA project?

  • 1. Select the project in the Project window of the Visual Basic Editor. 
  • 2. Click Insert > UserForm.
  • 1. Select the project in the Project window of the Visual Basic Editor. 
  • 2. Click the Design Mode button and select Insert Module.
  • 1. Select the project in the Project window of the Visual Basic Editor. 
  • 2. Right-click the Run menu and select Customize.
  • 1. Select the project in the Project window of the Visual Basic Editor. 
  • 2. Click the Toolbox button and select UserForm.

Linkedin VBA assessment answers

To use VBA code to maintain a different VBA project, you can make use of VBA's extensibility. What is needed to enable extensibility?

  • Include a reference to Microsoft VBA Extensibility 5.3, and set Macro Security to Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model.
  • Include a reference to Microsoft VBA Extensibility 5.3.
  • Set Macro Security to Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model.
  • The project's workbook should be protected in the Ribbon's Review tab.

VBA Linkedin Quiz

Which variable name is valid in VBA?

  • My_Var
  • 1MyVar
  • My-Var
  • _MyVar

VBA Linkedin test

Which code block compiles and runs properly?

  • With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
  •  .Cells(1, 1) = 1
  •  End With
  • With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
  •  .PivotTable
  •  End With
  • With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
  •  .Format = "Bold"
  •  End With
  • With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
  •  .Merge
  • End With

   Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) assessment linkedin

   Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) assessment linkedin answers

   VBA Linkedin assessment answers

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