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LinkedIn Kotlin Skill Assessment

LinkedIn  Kotlin Exam Type: LinkedIn Test Answers
Expected positions: Top 5%, Top 15%, Top 30%
Last Updated: July 2024

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LinkedIn Kotlin Exam Answers 2024

  linkedin learning Kotlin

Your code needs to try casting an object. If the cast isn't possible, you don't want an exception generated. Instead you'd like null to be assigned. Which operator can safely cast a value?

  • ??
  • as?
  • as
  • is

Kotlin essential training linkedin

You are upgrading a Java class to Kotlin. What should you use to replace the Java class’s static fields?

  • a companion object
  • an anonymous object
  • a backing field
  • a static property

linkedin Kotlin test

Kotlin has two equality operators, == and ===. What is the difference?

  • == determines if two references point to the same object. === determines if two objects have the same value.
  • == determines if two objects have the same value. === determines if two strings are identical.
  • == determines if two objects have the same value. === determines if two references point to the same object.
  • == determines if two primitive types are identical. === determines if two objects are identical.

linkedin Kotlin assessment answers

Which line of code defines a function that accepts an integer and a string as parameters and returns nothing?

  • fun myFunc(id: Int, name: String):void{}
  • fun myFunc(id: Int, name: String):Int{}
  • fun myFunc(id: String, name: String):Unit{}
  • fun myFunc(id: Int, name: String):Unit{}

linkedin Kotlin assessment

Which function changes the value of the element at the current iterator location?

  • set()
  • change()
  • assign()
  • modify()

Kotlin linkedin assessment

Kotlin linkedin assessment answers

linkedin Kotlin for java developers

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